I prefer to see Google rank original news stories first says Qamar Zaman. Many website creators use WP-automatic plugins and gaming the system.
Dallas, Sept. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eight days after Google started rolling out the helpful content update, Qamar Zaman and his team from KISS PR, a website growth company in Texas, haven’t seen notable high SERP (search engine result pages) volatility numbers yet except for news websites. As of September 2, 2022, websites in the News category are the losers per SEM RUSH Sensor.
The high SERP volatility score for news content is understandable and expected. According to Zaman, the relevance of news content depends on time.
“The news you read yesterday is less relevant today. The freshest news is the most relevant content, and that’s what search engines, such as Google, will rank high on the SERPs,” Zaman explained.
In a recent tweet by Danny Sullivan
“Update isn’t done. It’s also part of a continuing effort, as we’ve explained. We’ll keep refining how it works. Directionally, the guidance we’ve given is what SEOs and creators should be considering.”
According to SEM RUSH Sensor data, as of September 2, 2022, here are the top 10 categories with the highest SERP volatility. Zaman wanted to point out that except for News, the other nine categories in this list have average scores.
Rank 1: News
News SERP volatility score is 0.7 lower compared to yesterday. It is also worth noting that its worst performance happened not after the rollout of the helpful content update but before it, around the second week of August.
Rank 2: Arts & Entertainment
Today’s SERP volatility score in this category is 0.6 lower than yesterday’s. The same with News; its highest SERP volatility score happened on the second week of August, over two weeks before Google helpful content was rolled-out.
Rank 3: Sports
Sports SERP volatility score today has improved compared to its performance in the last few days. It is 1.0 lower compared to yesterday’s score.
Rank 4: Games
Today’s SERP volatility score for Games is 0.4 lower compared to yesterday. After the Google helpful content update, there’s no significant ranking difference among websites under this category.
Rank 5: Online Communities
Same with Games, there are no significant changes in SERP volatility score with Online Communities after the roll-out of the Google helpful content update. Though today’s score is 0.3 lower than yesterday’s, this change is considered negligible.
Rank 6: Shopping
Its SERP volatility score is 1.0 lower compared to yesterday. And same with other categories, it seems like shopping websites are not negatively affected yet by the Google helpful content update.
Rank 7: Business & Industrial
Its SERP volatility score is 1.1 lower compared to yesterday. This category maintains a good score after the roll-out of the Google helpful content update.
Rank 8: Home & Garden
Home & Garden’s SERP volatility score today is 1.1 lower than yesterday. Same with the other categories, it seems like it’s not yet negatively impacted by the Google helpful content update.
Rank 9: Beauty & Fitness
This is another category with no significant SERP volatility activity in the past eight days. Its score today is 0.8 lower compared to yesterday.
Rank 10: Finance
Finance has a stable SERP volatility score as it didn’t go beyond 3.7 since the roll-out of the Google helpful content update. Its score today is 1.3 lower compared to yesterday.
Zaman and his team are optimistic about today’s SERP volatility performance per SEM RUSH Sensor data. They expect erratic changes next week after the completion of the roll-out of the Google helpful content update. Since this update is not a core update, Google wants creators to follow the guidelines as a bigger impact will happen once the update is fully backed into the Google ranking ecosystem. As a news content creator
“I prefer to see Google rank original news stories first. Currently, content scrapers and aggregators are devaluing the work of original news publishers. Many website creators use WP-automatic plugins that parse content, remove attribution, and create duplicate versions of existing news stories. This means that the hard-working individuals who actually create this new content don’t get the credit or traffic they deserve because low-quality spinoffs are ranking higher in search results. We’ve informed Google about this a number of times, and the response we consistently get is vague. Qamar Zaman
“We just need to wait and see,” Zaman said.
Disclaimer. The above data is public information and available from SEMRush Serp Sensor. The author shares the data to provide information on the Google content update.
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