SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2022 / Web 3.0, the buzzword of 2022, is making a paradigm shift in the internet. With the change from the read-and-write internet to the ownership internet, the way we do marketing is also changing as we have gone from email marketing, SEO, Ads, to performance and analytics-oriented marketing. In Web 3.0, some fundamental changes that have brought about new strategies, processes and Efforts in marketing. The underlying technology of the product is decentralized which gives users full ownership including assets and data. In marketing, people start talking more about “Community Driven”, “Privacy” and marketing with “NFT” or “Token” and new challenges start showing up for traditional marketers.

The following questions began to pop up; How to capture the on-chain user behaviors and have a more transparent performance evaluation? How to market out products with NFT and Token among the community? How to create a balance between advertisement, privacy and reward?
Here comes Genki and their first tool called GenkiBox to help eradicate and fix such problems in the web 3.0 space with ease.
GenkiBox is a tool that helps web 2.0 and web 3.0 projects run marketing campaigns in order to increase their community engagements and promote their business in their space. With GenkiBox, you can implement social media quests, and on-chain-related quests (including NFT and Token balance check) easily along with GenkiBox’s anti-cheating filter and detailed analysis which helps you acquire real and loyal users.
Lastly, the built-in lucky draw and reward distribution (coming soon) feature helps you to leverage NFT and Token as a weapon to market your product.
So far, Genki has helped 38+ projects to run 60+ campaigns with more than 80k addresses (users) connecting to the GenkiBox at the time of this article.
Genki announced the launch of the Beta version of GenkiBox Portal on 10th August and the general public can now use the Portal for free which would last till 4th September 2022. During this time, we all can use the tool to create, launch and track campaigns with ease and can report any bugs or suggestions to the Genki team on their discord https://discord.gg/kSnMNb8Vt3 before the final product gets launched and they roll out the pricing plan for GenkiBox.
The GenkiBox Portal will provide projects with the following main features:
- User Dashboard
- Campaign Setup Page
- Quests Setup Page
- Lucky Draw Tool
Genki also plans on having a data analytic page for projects to get insightful data analysis on each held using GenkiBox and also launch a Reward distribution tool that can be used for reward distribution at the end of a campaign. This is why GenkiBox is regarded as a one bus stop tool for all your Web3.0 marketing needs.
You can also complete this survey to provide feedback & suggestions about Genki and you can ask questions to the Genki team through their contacts provided in the survey form.
Try out the GenkiBox Portal Here: https://box.genki.io/portal
Genki is building a web 3.0 marketing influence network for projects and influential individuals. By combining verifiable capability and a delegable framework, Genki empowers network participants to coordinate and collaborate based on the verifiable influence scores. Projects can not only leverage GenkiBox to verify on-chain and off-chain user behaviors but also find the best-matched influential individuals for promotion.
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Chang Chi Chang (My https://www.linkedin.com/in/chichangchang/)
Contact Number: +886 930717067
Contact Email: [email protected]
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